Unlike heavenly beings, we mortals come with numerous faults. We are a package of shortcomings and imperfections. Some faults we try to rectify and overcome during our lifetime while the others, well, come under the category “This is me”. Most people would agree with me when I say that it is your limitations and weaknesses that differentiate you from others. What most confuse with is, that your strengths and achievements differentiate you. I don’t mean to sound negative but that is true. Let us think normally, take me for example, a complete control freak. I dislike when things are not in order and when what I plan does not happen. I probably get even more upset when people and not unavoidable circumstances alter my plan. I too, like you, tag it under “this is me”. Can I change this aspect of me? I don’t think so. Why? Because this is me!!!!!!
On the contrary if I work hard and I am able to achieve something is because of hard work. It is because I chose to work hard and get what I want. Hard work is a virtue we acquire while being a control freak isn’t an acquired ethic. In the same way, some people are known by their laziness, their short temper, their attitude towards things and so on and so forth. All of these could be purely environmental but can you take the blame for everything wrong that is happening around you? NO! Can you change yourself? NO! NOT AT ALL!! (At least I don’t think so).
I won’t stop here. But looking over at the other side of the leaf that you are, one can choose to overlook and let things slide. There is both the shiny and rugged side to you. I could also be wrong about the aforementioned thoughts. Maybe everything is molded based on the environment around you or maybe everything is hereditary or maybe a bit of both. But, at the end of the day why create troubles? Why worry yourself for no issue at all. Why go through all this every day. Just mind your own business!!!
The process of trying is not something that comes over night. You have to be patient, very patient in holding on to that series of trials that would redeem you of endless worries rather than falling in an everyday pool of pain and agony. Maybe you are very sensitive. Just hold on, try again, and try once again..... and if it forces to change you too much for the worse.... let go.
#lettinggo #try #pain